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              A P E X  I N T E L L I G E N C E
                                  © 2025
What is APEX Intelligence? 
We have written thousands of lines of code that can:
	1. Dump all followers of any account off of Instagram (LinkedIn and
	Facebook COMING SOON)

	2. Which is then run through another tool written in-house that goes
	through the newly-generated list of Instagram followers and collects:
		a. Full name
		b. Phone number
		c. Email
		d. Miscellaneous data

	3. Then ran through another in-house tool that collects all phone
	numbers associated with the person, all e-mails associated with the
	person, street address, age, current job, education level, school,
	employer, birthday, among others

	4. Finally, compiled into a list in CSV format for you to download -- all automated.

Why is that so great? 
We have solved a few major problems in the marketing industry:
	1. Lead gen: rather than just buying a list of random contacts from your target
	region that are lukewarm at best (and hawked to you by another sales-bro at $5/head),
	we can dump 100,000 phone numbers and e-mail addresses of people that follow a famous
	menopause influencer, 150,000 people that are cannabis enthusiasts, or 250,000 business
	owners who follow @Shopify, all with 50% engagement and high activity, for $1 per lead.
	And it's all automated / controlled by you via the UI provided on the website.

	2. Removal of Facebook Audiences: expanding on above, many marketers know how
	Facebook Audiences at one time were amazing for adspend until killed-off by Mark Zuckerberg.
	APEX has revived the thought-to-be-dead online ad spend.

	3. Declining conversion rates: not only do we sell you leads already interested in
	your target niche, but we provide their primary cell numbers so you can integrate SMS
	marketing and enjoy the 30% conversion rates and near 100% open rates achieved over text.

	4. Ever-increasing marketing costs: We charge $1 per lead. 'nuff said.

	5. ...The list goes on...

Can you also run campaign X or help me set up SMS-marketing Y? 
Our engineers have a background in hacking, cybersecurity, and fintech—so we can create
custom solutions. E-mail sales@apexintel.net.

How do I get an invite code? 
For now, e-mail sales@apexintel.net. Soon there will be a sign-up page with 100 free
credits, with more free credits for referrals.